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Category: Articles

homemade green screen keying breakdown post cover

After Effects Keying Breakdown: Homemade Green Screen Shot

In this short article I am breaking down how homemade green screen shot was composed to look good [enough]. The video below was made as a test task for my SKB Kontur's job application. I was asked to think about the reasons behind my decision to become a video editor and shoot a short story. Not only I had to edit it, but also go through the entire video making process all by myself: scriptwriting and planning, shooting and even acting. And I was shooting at home. With no additional lighting, using consumer grade camera. Tbh, you do not always need a top-notch equipment if…

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video art portfolio post cover

Video Art Installation Rework Idea

I like keeping myself in shape by testing ideas and making concepts. Even if nothing of what I've created will ever be used, it's still fun. This video art installation rework confirms that. I've been reading a lot about video art recently. And stumbled upon one particularly curious project called "PAL oder Never The Same Color" by Maria Vedder. You can read more about it here and even see it in action on Vimeo. This is still photo of Maria Vedder's project I started with My idea was that it can be used on some exhibition as video art portfolio — for myself or any…

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